Packing up my life and starting over.

So I’ve been hoarding boxes from work.  I don’t get near the sheer amount of deliveries I used to get when working in a restaurant so I’ve been saving them up for a while.  My hearing with the regie de lodgement is on Friday (OMFG!) and I need to be prepared for that!  Thankfully a lot of it is essentially printing out letters and making sure I have copies of all the images/video that I need as well.  Have to go out today and get some blank CD’s I think.

As much as I hate moving (I really, really do!) I hate packing, trying to find a moving company, a new apartment and all those things I am actually looking forward to it in a way.  I’m proud of what I’ve done with this place.  I left a lot of stuff behind when I moved from Ontario to Montreal and even more so when I split up with Jeff.  So moving in here was an accomplishment.  It’s MINE and everything that’s in it is also mine.  It’s the first apartment I have ever gotten that’s been truly on my own terms.  Just me, myself and I.  Only my name on the lease and no one Else’s.

Everything in it also belongs to me.  Some of it was donated by a good friend who moved to another country (thanks Carly) and that was a huge help.  Regardless of what happens on Friday (I put in a request to kill my lease early) I’ll still be moving out of here sooner as opposed to later.  As of July 1st I will have lived here for 3 long years and I have accumulated a lot of stuff in that time frame.  I’ve outgrown this place and need to get out of here.  There’s no storage, the neighbors upstairs are crazy and I could go on and on and on…  However I won’t.

I will admit, I will kind of miss it here.  Not that much though, as this apartment has  turned into quite the problem child and just keeps getting worse.  So as much as I am dreading the actual aspect of moving, I’m looking forward to moving on.  Hopefully to a bigger and better place that’s got more storage and more of what I need!

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