OK so bear in mind I had a major fat kid vacation so my healthier habits basically went into the toilet. As a result I’m making a conscious effort to do a little better. One of those things would be to consume more water, I’m tired of feeling lethargic and dehydrated. So this is a good thing, having to pee all the time, not so much. As a result of this, this conversation happened today at work.
Me: Good lord, I need to pee again!
Co-worker: Happens to people who are pregnant.
Me: Nope, that’s *not* possible.
C0-worker: Sure it is, my friend got pregnant and she was on the pill.
Me: (laughing) No (insert co-workers name here), I can’t get pregnant because I don’t have anyone to have sex with.
C0-worker: *Awkward silence* Soooooo lunch?
We both had a good laugh over the whole thing. Maybe you just had to be there?