Yes that really did happen, but that’s a story for another day… I’ll just leave you wondering why on earth there’s a flamingo at the daycare I work at.
In other news, there’s a vibrator museum. Really. No i’m not providing you with the link. I’ll just leave you to ponder how I know this, along with that whole flamingo thing.
In all seriousness though, I have gotten e-mails inquiring about the last post that I wrote. I’m OK. Really. What I did there was just something I felt the need to do, it was a long time coming. I just finally got off my ass and did it. Simple as that. So fear not, I’m doing pretty good for myself these days. With the exception of my head. Post concussion syndrome anyone? Trip to the neurologist to make sure that everything is OK and I don’t end up on strange and unusual deaths due to smashing the back of my head into a cupboard? Working on it. So yeah. Been thinking a lot lately about how people assume, presume and otherwise take certain things and end up misconstrued…
So I ask questions, even if I run the risk of looking completely and utterly stupid. Because at the end of the day, at least I don’t look like an ass because I assumed something. Even if it is a little irritating. Anyway I’ve been thinking of someone a lot these days, someone who’s not a part of my life anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. Not so much them, more so the crushed look on their face when they claimed that I was getting too attached to them (when in reality, it was the other way around). After I wiped the puzzled look off my face, I asked them why they felt that way (I have serious issues with co-dependence. I’m not that way and I really don’t much care for people who are that way), their response? You do all these nice things for me.
Come again?
I really am a nice girl, and if doing what I normally do for pretty much everyone who crosses my path is of some issue to you, then so be it.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and people come into your life for a reason.
For the most part, I treat people the same. I am an equal opportunity person and if I truly can’t stand you, yet am still reasonably respectful to you, it’s because i’m paid to.
Otherwise I’ll do nice things. Like make you dinner. Because i’m a Chef, feeding people is what I do and also? I’m a huge nerd, so in some random way you’ve become my guinea pig/taste tester. So it’s somewhat infuritating when people (usually guys) assume that I want to fuck them because I made them dinner.
I felt kind of bad when I told him that I didn’t treat him any differently than I did anyone else. Mostly because he looked crushed. We were just FWB, so to me your the friend I have that’s not only seen my naughty bits, but also my sex face. In the end, it turns out he was in love with me.
Somehow that’s my fault?
Bottom line and the most central point to this post?
Don’t make assumptions. Ever.
Because not only will you end up looking like an ass, it will also bite you in the ass.
Assume nothing, question everything. Even if it makes you look a few brain cells short (which I apparently am these days)/