A bunch of random ass questions & other nonsense…

Well 3 posts in one day who knew that I would be so damn productive lol.  I actually did have a productive day kinda sorta…  I also happen to be wide awake at the moment…  Not to mention I happen to be feeling horribly rambunctious 🙂  Makes me want to torment someone, but I won’t, well at least not right now…

So I keep getting this in my e-mail, tagged on facebook blah blah blah so you know what, I’ll fill the damn thing out, shut everyone up and be done with it.  Because really who DOESN’T want to know a bunch of random likely useless facts about moi?  Before I do though, I really need to get something off my chest aside from 3 cup sizes…  I HATE this commercial!  I mean really!  It won a golden lion at Cannes?  WTF!  This commercial makes my brain hurt! Who comes up with this stuff?   Not only that its SUPER CREEPY! Not to mention that cheesy, LAME videotron commercial…  That makes me want to stab myself in the forehead!  Sadly I can’t find it online but the minute I do, I will be posting it here.  Anyway onto more of my random nonsense…
Made out with a member of the same sex? Wouldn’t go as far to say that, but yeah I kissed a girl once and took pictures…  Take that Katy Perry!
Been dumped? More like ditched, once and he came crawling back 2.5 years later.  Yeah I AM that good 😉
Been pierced? On numerous occasions yes, most of which are retired.  I did however keep all the good ones…
Gotten in the car with people you didn’t know? Indeed, I love strangers!
Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Nope, more like the other way around, what can I say people love me and no one really knows why…
Ditched school to do something more fun? All the time, that’s why I got kicked out of 2 high schools ha ha!
Miss someone right now? Yes
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yeah but not in a long time.
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yep, I can pass out just about anywhere
Felt an earthquake? Yes
Been in a car accident that you didn’t cause? yes.
Witnessed a crime? Yeah …
Been the person doing the crime? Ha ha yeah and I didn’t get caught!
Pole danced? Yep
Felt so sick you thought you might die? Actually yeah, I almost did die that time though.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? ALL the time!
Kissed in the rain? Among other things yes
Had sex in a park? Yeah
Got your tongue/”arm” stuck to a flag pole? Nope
Ever gone to school partially naked? No
Forgotten someones name? Yeah.
Gone skinny dipping? Yes.
Been cheated on? Several times
Thrown strange objects? Yes, makes me dangerous to work with!
Own an instrument? Only sharp ones
Shot a gun? Yes.
Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you? Yep
Is there anything stressing you out currently? Hell yes!
Do you remember what you were like a year ago? Yep and a whole lot of things have changed since then…
Are you currently frustrated with someone? Not anyone in particular except my boss…
Does it take a lot to make you cry? Not usually.
When did you last cry? Last night, briefly.
Kissed someone in the past forty-eight hours? Nope
Do you look intimidating? According to some people I do
Would you prefer it to be a thunderstorm or snowing? Thunderstorms are far cooler!
Is your heart broken right now? In theory yeah
Have you ever done anything outrageously dumb? That’s a semi-daily occurrence sometimes lol

OK now its technically Monday and I should be in bed because I have to get up for work in 6 hours bleck!   Sent off a ton of CV’s earlier, now I get to play the waiting game.  I put off looking for a job before because I was so damn sick.  Still am sick but not nearly as bad as I was before.

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