I hate drama, I detest it. I also hate attention whores and drama Queens. Oh and people who lie for stupid, insignificant reasons. Hell I just hate people in general! Especially lately, maybe it’s because I have PMS? Who knows, and quite frankly I doubt anyone truly gives a shit either.
Attention whores, drama queens and what I refer to as ‘the topper’ really get my panties in a knot. Also ‘pissing contents’ because really, who needs those?
Apparently some people do.
I want to punch them in the face.
Really hard.
Some people just can not handle not being the center of attention. Drives. Me. Insane. For example: When I’m talking about something I feel is important and they butt in with ya ya so they can blab on about their shit.
Is THAT the only reason you called me? Because you want a fucking audience?!?
Please go get hit by a bus. Drop dead Shut your whore mouth for five fucking minutes!
Jesus H Christ!
Then there’s the times when your having a conversation about whatever and something not totally relevant/yet slightly relevant to your story comes up. Something that your not planning on driveling on about for any extended period of time but more so providing more background info on. They butt in with yeah I went/was there/seen it too. Yet somehow you know they’re lying to you so you ask a question that had they actually seen/done the same thing on a different day/month/year they would provide an accurate answer. Except they get all exasperated and flippant with you. Because they know that you know they’re lying through their fucking teeth! Why? Because they thought YOU were going to talk about it endlessly, therefore taking time away from listening to them blather on about What. The Fuck Ever. Because while they want YOU to be THEIR audience for the entire duration of the conversation yet they don’t have one fucking iota of interest in anything that’s about to come out of your mouth unless it has something to do with THEM.
Of. Course.
Except they think your stupid and don’t clue into their subtle lies. Yet YOU know they’re lying. In spite of the fact that I don’t say anything about it. I know. Oh boy, do I know. Therefore because of your tactless bullshit, I have lost a whole lotta respect for you that you’ll never have back. Oh I bet that gets your goat now doesn’t it?
When all you want to do is say: I don’t care, I don’t care Ohhhhhhhhhhh I Don’t give a flying fuck about What. The. Fuck. Ever. You’re about to drivel on about!
Woman like to relate, although some people take it to a WHOLE new level. It goes from relating to: OMGWTFBBQ I’m out of the spotlight so let’s turn this into a pissing contest! Because the attention NEEDS TO BE BACK ON ME, ME, ME!
Sadly, I can’t usually back down from these moments. I try to, I’m usually ashamed when I can’t. I’m competitive by nature, it’s the inner Chef in me (Read: All the guys who said I wouldn’t make it but I did; so fuck you, kiss my pasty white ass!) oh & my stubborn pigheaded ways that can’t Won’t refuse to do so. When inside my head I’m screaming:
Nope, they can’t allow that, because it takes the spotlight OFF of them.
My fist is really itching to make an acquaintance with your face.
Yet I say nothing because that’s irrevocably rude. Until one day when you push me over the ever loving edge.
Well so is blogging about it, but hey I’m not name calling and finger pointing here either.
Wonder just how many people are going to contact me AND accusingly SAY OMFG STEPH I JUST KNOW YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME!
They’re going to assume that’s it’s about them. Why? Because they see themselves in this very blog post. Perhaps there’s a reason for that.
Because that’s in their nature. So is scores of several other things, but hey who am I to judge?
LOL I know you’re *not* talking about me!
not to mention that I always freely admit what a selfish and self-focused person I actually am! ha!
can we turn this into ‘me me me’ thing again? 😉
Yikes. I HOPE you’re not talking about ME!! I don’t want to my face to ever meet your fist, mmmmkay?
PS – I hate an asshat. Always. They deserve shanking. Yes.