Meme: My Faith, My Tattoo

I seen this via Ania’s blog while reading her latest post and since a lot of people are very curious about my tattoos, I thought I would finally satisfy everyone’s curiosity.

For a change.

“Background information:  Adam J. Copeland is a pastor conducting  informal research for some Christian youth curriculum addressing tattoos.  Adam’s also taking a grad school class on cyberculture.  This meme combines these interests, and hopefully will help him thoughtfully consider getting a tattoo himself.  So, please, pass on the meme below….”

Meme:  My Faith, My Tattoo

In a few sentences, respond to the questions below — respond on your blog, on this blog, on Facebook, wherever. When you’re done, share, tag a few friends, and pass on the questions.  If you post this somewhere else, keep the title, “Meme: My faith, my tattoo” for easy searching. For background on what the heck a “meme” is, see this article.

1.  Describe your tattoo(s):

OK, I have a lot…  so I’m posting a gallery instead.  Otherwise this blog post would be pages and pages long…

2.  What made you want that tattoo(s)?

I’ve always wanted one! Being an artist and very creative as a child, tattoos have held a fascination for me for as long as I can recall!

3.  How did your faith influence your tattoo, indirectly or directly?

I don’t think it was religious faith that influenced them at all. Tattoos for me are art therapy and spiritual to me in the sense that it enables me to heal.

4.  What’s the relationship between your tattoo and your broader understanding of your body?

Aside from coming to the realization that my body can be used as a living breathing canvas? None. It (tattoos) have given me a broader understanding of myself and the ability to heal.

5.  Was it worth it…do you have regrets?

Was it worth it? Absolutely! I have no true regrets, although I do wish I put more thought into placement when working on my back piece back in the day when I started getting work done. Tattoos are rapidly becoming an incredible art form and I have seen several awesome tattoos that extend across one’s back top and bottom. So as it is, I will either have to get some serious cover up work done or try to find a way to include it in the design itself.

6.  What funny story has happened because of your tattoo?

I was forbidden to get a tattoo until I was out of the house. So the minute I was out on my own, away I went. My father had a fit of epic proportions! My mom, she was less then pleased I suppose. Although both have come to the understanding that tattoos for me are a way to express myself and my life story through carefully chosen images. Now they both get tattooed at the same place I do in ON along with my sister! My mom comes along with me when I get tattooed and I love it, it’s a great way for us to bond 🙂

7.  How did your tattoo change your faith (and if not, why not)?

I won’t get into my views on faith as that is always a subject of serious debate, ridicule and several other things. So no I wouldn’t say that it changed it per se. Although it has enabled me to have more faith in myself and the ability to heal mentally & emotionally as well.

For a more detailed description of my tattoo gallery, it’s after the jump!
For background on how this meme started, see Adam Copeland’s blog at

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Breast Cancer…

Let’s kick it’s ass!

My lovely friend from back home is doing the K-W run for the cure.  I promised I would help pimp out her donation page so I am!

Shes really awesome for doing this (somehow every year I forget grr!) and while it’s technically not too late to join the one here in Montrèal I really am too freaking busy with life to even somehow manage to find the time to round up funds and stuff.  I know, I know lame, lame, lame!  Seriously though, crazy shit going on around here!    Although next year I think I should con I mean bribe ask my co-workers nicely if they all want to team up and do it together!

I mean seriously, who doesn’t like boobage right?


Lets help save some boobs!   Her pledge page is here it’s all private and secure like.  Hell if *MY* poor ass can squeeze out a few dollars, I think most people can too!



Oh before I get on with the whole tattoo thing…

In case anyone wants to purchase my book, I advise you to wait 🙂  I’m trying to get in touch with a publishing company based out of North Bay, ON and they’re FAR more reasonable then blurb is.  I like blurb, it gave me total creative control, but when I got my book I was a little dissapointed in the total overall execution of it all.  So I’ll keep you all posted when I get that all worked out my dear friends and foundation supporters!

Anyway, here’s a quick pictorial of my slightly scabby tattoos.  I’ve been waiting for decent weather to get outdoor shots because my camera is a piece of crap from being dropped too many times and just not so new anymore.  I’m curious to see what everyone’s thoughts on them are before I go and explain them all 🙂

I would now, but the family is leaving tomorrow (Thank you God!) I love them, but I really, really want MY space back all to myself you know?  I live in a small-ish one bedroom apt so space is at a premium and I would give my left leg & arm to have a guest room when company is here!

It’s been a year… But I’m going to be OK.

Yesterday marked the end of a very trying year for me…

September 3rd made it a year since I lost one of my best friends.

After the way things went down before his birthday I was a little concerned.  Mostly for my own well being, never mind anyone elses…  Except for his mom, because God knows I couldn’t bear to deal with what she went through.
And no, I could care less how selfish that sounds.  Because it IS selfish but sometimes you just need to be.  Right?
I think so.

I’ve had a lot of insanity in my life as of late.  Things have been pretty damn good for the most part.  Except for one thing really.

I miss him…

I miss Jason too, sadly however no amount of missing him of loving him as much as I do can bring him back right?

So I did what any friend would do in times of grief.

I honed in on my sisters tattoo appointment.

Ah yes the family has landed from Ontario and as much as I do love them, it’s been a tad trying at best.  My sister wanted the ultimate souvenir that she could keep forever and ever.  So I gave her Gil’s phone number and told her to make an appointment, which she did for September 3rd 2010.  Jason’s one year anniversary.  So I told her that I was coming with, because I decided at the last minute that I needed to get tattooed that day.

So I did.

I’m not going to get into the details of it just now, because well it’s not even a full 24 hours old yet and I don’t have a decent picture of them all.  Yes ALL as in more then one.

I got five.

Because sometimes one, just isn’t enough.  They’re not very large, cater to Jason and I’s nerdy side but the significance of each one has more impact then a fleet of mac trucks.  4 of them are symbolic of certain things and one, the one I favor the most out of them all represents a turning point in my life.

I learned how to live again.

And you know what?

It feels pretty damn good!
