I seen this via Ania’s blog while reading her latest post and since a lot of people are very curious about my tattoos, I thought I would finally satisfy everyone’s curiosity.
For a change.
“Background information: Adam J. Copeland is a pastor conducting informal research for some Christian youth curriculum addressing tattoos. Adam’s also taking a grad school class on cyberculture. This meme combines these interests, and hopefully will help him thoughtfully consider getting a tattoo himself. So, please, pass on the meme below….”
Meme: My Faith, My Tattoo
In a few sentences, respond to the questions below — respond on your blog, on this blog, on Facebook, wherever. When you’re done, share, tag a few friends, and pass on the questions. If you post this somewhere else, keep the title, “Meme: My faith, my tattoo” for easy searching. For background on what the heck a “meme” is, see this article.
1. Describe your tattoo(s):
OK, I have a lot… so I’m posting a gallery instead. Otherwise this blog post would be pages and pages long…
2. What made you want that tattoo(s)?
I’ve always wanted one! Being an artist and very creative as a child, tattoos have held a fascination for me for as long as I can recall!
3. How did your faith influence your tattoo, indirectly or directly?
I don’t think it was religious faith that influenced them at all. Tattoos for me are art therapy and spiritual to me in the sense that it enables me to heal.
4. What’s the relationship between your tattoo and your broader understanding of your body?
Aside from coming to the realization that my body can be used as a living breathing canvas? None. It (tattoos) have given me a broader understanding of myself and the ability to heal.
5. Was it worth it…do you have regrets?
Was it worth it? Absolutely! I have no true regrets, although I do wish I put more thought into placement when working on my back piece back in the day when I started getting work done. Tattoos are rapidly becoming an incredible art form and I have seen several awesome tattoos that extend across one’s back top and bottom. So as it is, I will either have to get some serious cover up work done or try to find a way to include it in the design itself.
6. What funny story has happened because of your tattoo?
I was forbidden to get a tattoo until I was out of the house. So the minute I was out on my own, away I went. My father had a fit of epic proportions! My mom, she was less then pleased I suppose. Although both have come to the understanding that tattoos for me are a way to express myself and my life story through carefully chosen images. Now they both get tattooed at the same place I do in ON along with my sister! My mom comes along with me when I get tattooed and I love it, it’s a great way for us to bond 🙂
7. How did your tattoo change your faith (and if not, why not)?
I won’t get into my views on faith as that is always a subject of serious debate, ridicule and several other things. So no I wouldn’t say that it changed it per se. Although it has enabled me to have more faith in myself and the ability to heal mentally & emotionally as well.
For a more detailed description of my tattoo gallery, it’s after the jump!
For background on how this meme started, see Adam Copeland’s blog at http://adamjcopeland.com