Random WTF’s

OK first of all it’s 9:15 in the morning. Had a long week at work and was actually looking forward to sleeping in. Except of course given the nonsense of my daily schedule as is, that’s usually an impossible dream. Clearly my neighbors are awake too, because I can hear them a little too clearly. I’m happy that they have a err rather active sex life in spite of their having two children and another one on the way. Good for them!
You know what’s NOT good for me?

Having my pictures and what not on the walls end up crooked because to put it bluntly, he’s fucking her so hard that MY walls are shaking!
I have some of their mail here, I’m tempted to walk upstairs in my bathrobe and knock on the door.  In any case, I don’t feel bad when I start singing random songs (off key no less) at the fullest volume I can muster.  😉

In other news, this I find much, much more appalling!  I mean seriously, WTF is wrong with society these days?  We have people protesting the Habs because they have an English speaking coach, yet american players (which isn’t an issue of course).

Children being denied organ transplants from NON organ donor lists (they have family members who are willing to do so) because she’s mentally challenged.  OK seriously?  This disgusts me on So. Many. Levels.  Who are you to deny a child the quality of life that all children deserve because you refuse to do the transplant?  Some Dr’s are fucking arrogant!

Not to mention the conservative government of Canada denying gay marriage rights all of a sudden…  This article is quite an interesting read to say the least.  Dan Savage’s quote “Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go wake up my husband and tell him we got divorced last night.” is amusing, yet sad at the same time.  I as a person born and raised in Canada was so PROUD that we were forward thinking enough to have this finally be legal.  It was pretty freaking awesome when the province I call home hosted the first gay marriage ceremony.   Now?

Now I am ashamed.  Shame on you Canada for going back on your word and for fucking with the rights of others that you have NO business doing in the first place!  Do you really think that this is going to help you during election time?  Guess again mother fuckers!

I have no burning desire to have kids, I do however work with them everyday and I love them as if they were my own.  So when I happened to stumble upon this article I was disgusted by society as a whole.  Botox?  ‘virgin waxing‘? Really?  Are we so caught up on what’s alleged to be beautiful by societal norms that we don’t care just how bad we’re fucking with the minds of CHILDREN?!?  Granted as a 33 year old, I’m pretty sure that my mom taking me to have my legs waxed might have come in handy because after all, hair stops growing back after a while…

I also remember as a child getting all freaked out over my own body hair (before I had that kind body hair) I mean my arms and legs…  I however said nothing and well I doubt my mom would have taken me to get waxed back then anyway.  Not that I had any clue what that actually was back then.  Now the only thing getting waxed these days is my eyebrows and even that I slack off on horribly more often then not!

On a final note, it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who is plagued by idiots in their life…

PS: It’s now 9:51am and they’re still having sex…

I’m sorry what? I don’t speak moron…

Yeah I’m back to hating on boys again. Le sigh…

I rarely use MSN and now I know why!  Mostly because of people like this guy:

Behold!  Enough bad spelling and grammar to set your teeth on edge!  It was like talking to a fucking teenager!

My text is in bold text, you know the proper one…











This is all I have to say about that:
































And in other news…  This is one of (several) reasons why I cancelled my profile on a certain site.  Clearly some people men on there think I’m an idiot…:






























I’ve had enough, I’m becoming a nun!


The Naked truth…

I did an interview with a friend for my other pet project NAYOP.  He does freelance journalism and occasionally takes pictures.  Some of them are of moi.  The article has gotten some amazing feedback (thank you all for that!) I thought I would share the behind the scenes view of what it’s like to do an interview with me. 😉  Dominic is a trooper I have to say!  When he showed up I was in the middle of making some lunch, wearing my jammies, hadn’t bother to brush my hair (just my teeth) and to hell with make-up!  This was about as naked as naked could get.

Things you would have likely over heard:

“Steph, what’s with the sun glasses?”  “I don’t want to bother with make-up, what is this Cosmo?”

“Are you seriously not wearing a bra?” “I’m not wearing any panties either, what’s it to you?  Please, call the crew from what not to wear”

And yet, I still look like a rock star!

And so we talked… Over a plate of my bad ass nachos, which are insanely messy but freaking awesome to chow down on!  While we traded insults back and forth about how much of a slob I appeared to be (It was SUNDAY) and how maybe, just maybe I may have taken the whole thing a little more seriously had the interview been with someone else.  OK maybe not, I might have showered but to hell with the rest.  After all, the article was to be titled the naked truth.

Essentially an article debunking the myths on how not all tattooed people are bad asses (even though I AM, with or without my tattoos ;)) How one person can make a difference and I finally publicly speak out about how I felt to loosing one of my closest friends 2 years after the fact.  It’s not something I openly speak about and while lately I’ve been taking up with talking smack about some really bad dates I’ve had (Oh come on, you all know you LOVE the fodder for le blog!) and political non sense, this is important to me.

And while the behind the scenes portion was fun and full of total non sense, the article itself speaks volumes.  This is why I posed naked and with no make up.  I bared a portion of my soul to the world and I didn’t feel that it was right to ‘cover up’ any portion of myself either with clothing, make up or props for the photo shoot.  It doesn’t get any more real then this.

The naked truth, UN encumbered.

You can read the whole article here.  Thanks for your support lovelies xoxo

Oh Montreal…

You slay me so, in so many ways but the real topper?

HABS fans.  They’re fucking nuts!

I used to live adjacent to downtown and I was really, really close to the bell center.  So close that when this riot broke out I could hear it from my apartment.  It was total chaos.  I’m all about standing up for causes that you believe in and protesting things that you feel are wrong with this world but Montreal would seem to top that.  At least in Canada.

I pay scant attention to politics, I respect the fact that French IS Quebec’s official language and I also respect their right to hold onto their culture.  It would be no different if I was to move somewhere else.  Like Egypt, Sweden, Saudi Arabia and so on.  I’m not ignorant like that.  Although the ignorance that runs rampant in this province in regards to separatism and the language laws ? Blows. My. Mind.  Clearly, we all can’t just ‘get along’.  In any case, I love this city, I love living here and I love the life that I have here as well.  However, when Jason Rockman posted this on facebook I was floored:

OK, I love the French language, I am a die hard Montrealer and am engaged to a francophone…but this??? Seriously?? These protesters can blow me…”

The Rockman of course is referring to this article and the Gazette did a lengthier article on this as well which was also posted on facebook with the caption:’   Is language important, or should the Canadiens win at any cost? What do you think?

My thoughts on this?  I could care less about hockey period.  I don’t care, I don’t follow games and I refuse to jump on the Habs fan bandwagon just because I live here.  It’s a game kids, or as my friend Ali said: ‘It may only be a game to some, but to the rest of us it’s like a religion on the weekends’.  Fair enough, I have my share of things that I’m passionate about too.  Not so passionate that I start riots and set things on fire, but still…

Here’s the thing, after doing a quickie bit of research, left wing player Erik Cole of the Montreal Canadiens, is AMERICAN!  Well, well…  I’m willing to bank on it that there’s countless others who are either not from Canada, let alone from this province.  Yet you give a shit if their coach is English?  You have got to be kidding me!  Hands down, Montreal has a good team.  Even I, the non hockey follower knows that.  It’s pretty hard to ignore when you live here.  However I’m willing to bet that if Montreal takes home the cup this year or anytime soon, you’re not going to give a flying fuck if the coach is English, French or Swedish for that matter now are you?

I’m thinking likely not… 

Here’s what a few people on facebook had to say about this:

Ken: Who gives a shit if the coach ONLY speaks English instead of joual? As long as they win, it doesn’t matter, t’se?

Theresa: wtf! What a bunch of crap. Who cares if he can’t speak frnech, have you been to Montreal? EVERYONE can speak English there anyway. (OK I’m going to interject and say almost everyone. Although most people can from my experience, even if it’s just a little)

William: I think that the future of French in North America would not be questioned if we paid as much attention to school drop out rates or functional illiteracy as we do to this kind of symbolic nonsense.

Jennifer: right – we should keep turning away the BEST Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, etc…. because they can’t speak french…. It boggles me why people accept it!

Derek: I read the Gazette and La Presse regularly. The blatant favortism of Francophones from La Presse, RDS, and the Quebec media in general is disgusting. I want a winning product that shows up to practice in Brossard and the Bell Centre for games. I don’t care if the coach is a bilingual Francophone or a unilingual Anglophone. I care about winning. Perhaps this is why the Habs have not been relevant since Patrick Roy was our goalie. I can’t speak for other Habs fans, but I do not ever want to see the faces of Mario Tremblay or Rejean Houle again.

Sandra: What ever happened to hiring the best person for the job? I am from Quebec, born and raised a francophone, and I don’t agree with the crap about the Mighty French attitude…I wish after all these years they would finally join the rest of us and give up on a francophone only-is-the-only-way attitude…

Billy: England’s national soccer team is coached by an Italian who speaks poor english… Do you see the English protesting at having their coach not speak English ? No.. only retards like Mario Beaulieu does….If i’m the habs I tell all thse losers who are still mad at this to F#$@ off

Cheyenne: I don’t hear them yelling ‘go habs go’ in french.

Franca: WTH. the sweet taste of victory is universal amd surely understood by all. Since when did jumping for joy from a well-deserved win say, “oui, on gagne en francais qu’en anglais?!” What if the guy were anything other than Anglophone, then what? Leave language issues out of hockey, svp.

Brian: The man was put in the position to coach the team (in a championship, winning fashion – not for his speech or linguistic skills!) … if he was from a winning Russian, Swedish, or Czech team, and couldn’t speak a word of English or French, but led the team to the Stanley Cup, would the ‘critics’ care?? No, of course not! Their complaints are purely anti-English, not about any abilities of the person. Disgusting, to say the least…

Matt: The political situation in Quebec is what has destroyed the Canadiens. You want a competitive team-not a political circus. Why is it when we have good English players they can’t get out of town fast enough. I’ve been a fan here in Wisconsin since the 1967 expansion but I don’t think I will live to see that 25th Stanley Cup.

Lucette: There are more important issues in Quebec to take care of.Ils y’a des choses au Québec à s’occuper qui sont plus importantes.

Dafne: In the meantime in Qc… food depots can’t be filled, unemployment rises, people with mental health issues has no treatment, there are no family doctors, the bridges are falling appart…should I continue??

And the list of comments goes on and on…  I personally think the whole nation could benefit from being bilingual in some fashion or another.  I understand the frustration, it’s no different for me being someone who’s first language is English and trying to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak it all and vice versa.  It DOES go both ways.  I get that.  But it’s been a political circus for far too long and dragging sports into this long debacle of non sense is really too much.

Even for me.  


In other news, I happened to stumble upon this.  Thought I would share.