Occasionally one would see fire! I forgot to mention how I due to my own abject stupidity almost burnt my apartment down! Thankfully it was nothing, no one was hurt and nothing was ruined either. Melting plastic gives off a ton of acrid smoke. Totally filled my apartment and the most disturbing thing of all? My smoke detectors didn’t go off AT ALL… SO yeah new batteries are on my to do list…
My schedule has change yet again… At least this time, my schedule allows me to have a personal life. I miss going out with my friends and all those good things that come with some form of social interaction! So I’ve come to a turning point in my life, once again. Seems to be happening more and more lately. One thing is certain, I need to get out of this industry. I only worked 5 hours today and maybe it was because I was tired. Only had one day off since we got back to work after the holidays. In any case its really starting to get under my skin so I’m calling the school as soon as I can manage and seeing what I can do about getting myself in there that much faster! On the good side of things, the one person that I couldn’t stand has been terminated. She obviously did it to herself, but I can’t help by have a sense of schadenfreude over the whole situation! So it means I have to work a little more this week but whatever, more money in my bank account and there ain’t nothing wrong with that!
Still have to call videotron and cancel my cable, I rarely watch TV anymore so what’s the point? Not only that I can download what I want and use windows 7 to watch it on my TV. Just need to get the proper cables and those aren’t that hard to come by. Oh technology, gotta love it! Someone also “compromised” my Visa, so that was canceled and a new one is en route. What a pain in the ass that is! I also gotta call my student dentist and see if they haven’t kicked my ass out of the clinic yet, have to make an appointment with my GP to get my thyroid tested… Gr so much to do and not enough time to do it! I’m just so. damn. tired. Oh yeah have to do laundry sometime soon too… Going to be a long ass night at work, I actually don’t start until 4pm but were having a training session at 1pm so that were all on the same page at work so more time spent there.
I’m pretty sure I spend more time at work then I do anywhere else these days! Needless to say I can’t wait until I get a day off again! Mostly so I can sleep. At least on Wed its not so bad… Maybe I’ll get my laundry done then. Maybe lol. Should have gotten it done today but I really had zero motivation to get out of bed and actually get it done. Next week won’t be so bad (I hope) but this week is going to be full of suck I’m thinking!
I’ll get there, someway somehow!